Despite the claim above that "Using the new iCloud (iOS 5.0+ and OSX Lion 0.7.2+) syncing features, you can access your read later queue, folders, bookmarks, and history across all of your devices", iCloud sync simply doesnt work. If thats the reason you want to buy this app, dont make the same mistake I did.
I use iCloud for a lot of stuff, and I know what Im doing - this is not a user error and its not a problem with iCloud, which is running fine right now. Its simply false advertising - you can create all of the "read later queue, folders, bookmarks and history" items you want on your Mac or your iPad or your iPhone, and they *will not* be synced anywhere.
Other functionality is broken as well. Clicking on an item in the table of contents navigator on the left has no effect at all. It should scroll the application to the section that you clicked on, but nothing happens.
Finally, emails to the support address are simply ignored. Ill be reporting both the iOS and OSX versions of this app as inappropriate, hopefully Apple will pull them until the advertised functionality is there.
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