Well no images at all. just the space for the image with question mark. As if the code needs to updated.
Also the design of the software is from 90s. Not very easy to use.
ex: usually “tab” or “spacebar” takes user to search bar. Not here its option+command+F for search. tab opens the drop down menu, but cannot type. confusing.
ex: typing the search term needs to be followed by chosing a result from drop-down box. Will not load automatically and require pressing the return key twice.
Please, for a simple user interface which I hope is the goal for a referrence app, follow apple’s design rules. I shouldnt have to learn a new way to interact with each app.
Also, $10 extra to save the content of the book marks on a different file? Its already cached on my computer. This is hostage taking.
At least make the UI irresistable. I paid $20 for PDF expert because they have great UI.
Come one so much room for making this better!
HART-OF-SWARM about Wikibot — A Wikipedia Articles Reader